Day 7:  "How do you know what a 'real American' is?"

Here I am telling you what a "real American" is. You might ask what makes me qualified to know.

Answer: A Federal District Court basically told me that I am not a real American.  | audio answer |

I studied law and passed the California Bar Exam, but was denied a license to practice law, even though I was completely qualified to practice. I was not permitted to take the oath to "support the Constitution," which all attorneys (and public office holders) are required to take. The United States Supreme Court has held that the oath to be loyal to the government cannot be qualified by a higher allegiance to God. You can't say "I will obey the government unless the government requires me to sin against God."

Your allegiance to the government must be "unqualified" by a higher allegiance to God.

I did a great deal of study on the question of "allegiance." I have read hundreds of court opinions and hundreds of law review articles in order to understand why a "citizen of heaven" cannot be a citizen of the United States.
